Ugly Fantasies

Even though porn is not treated as prostitution by the law, it is considered to some to follow the same fundamental exchange. I was never a fan of him, so I will write about him. Hugh Hefner's contributions to increasing society's degradation towards women contributes to the set back of the women's liberation movement. More importantly, the ideology of "generous women giveaways" a factor to the increase of human trafficking. The founder of play boy magazine lives every man's dream as a reality, surrounded by women. He portrays an image of women being only there for sexual activities.

As a woman, I do not mind being considered a sex object, this is part of my identity. But, that is not all I am. Like a man, I am and consider myself to be other things. Showing women in one way limits the other ways in which we can expand on and become great in, something we do not have to take our clothes off for. The global pornography market is estimated at $75 billion a year, and while technology changes in the ways of which you can receive porn nowadays, selling women to men remains to be a good business.

People like Hefner often justify it as another step into freedom or equality, but one can only wonder if that is really the case. Hefner has helped create a world of easy-access porn, and with the porn industry pushing the legal limits further and distributing thousands of new porn films produced every year, it is every heteronormative man's dream for fantasies of sex and domination. But sometimes these fantasies become reality and step into the lives of the wives and kids in a violent, unhealthy way. Fantasies are nice, but not when it comes to the expense of another human being.
